Saturday, June 22, 2013

Membuat toko online dan cara memasarkannya dengan benar

Membuat toko online ialah salah satu usaha yang sangat dianjurkan jika anda ingin berbisnis online selain bisnis affiliate. Dalam merencanakan suatu toko online anda harus menampilkan toko tersebut dalam tampilan yang menarik dan apik, anda juga harus mempromosikan nya agar banyak pengunjung ke toko anda. Memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi pelanggan-pelanggan anda adalah suatu kewajiban. Silahkan simak semua tentang cara membuat dan memasarkan toko online anda

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How do you know if you need to detoxify?

It’s recommended by many medical professionals that everyone should detox at least once a year. Research indicates that a yearly detox is not only safe, but that it can actually imptove health. Nevertheless, detoxing is not recommended for those mothers who are nursing, those with degenerative diseases, those with cancer or those with tuberculosis. Always check with your doctor to see if fasting is right for you.
With all of the additional toxins and chemicals in our world today, detoxing is a fantastic way to fight back. Some common warning signals that it might be time for a detox include fatigue, allergies, bags under the eyes, getting sick often, brain fog, irritated skin and even menstrual difficulties in women. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Nikon coolpix P500 for Great result in any condition

Stunning photos in not so stunning shooting conditions.
biker doing a flip
Whether you're aiming at a midnight skyline or zooming in on a hang-glider in a sun drenched sky, Nikon enables you to take incredible photographs and movies. With its 12.1-megapixel backside-illuminated CMOS sensor, dual image processors and Nikon's EXPEED C2 image processing engine, it frees you to shoot highly detailed images with minimal noise and distortion.
The COOLPIX P500 is ideal for shooting high speed action, so you're sure to capture the fastest skateboarders, skiers and windsurfers. It's armed with ISO speeds up to 3200 and equipped with a five-way Vibration Reduction (VR) Image Stabilization System that reduces the streaky images associated with shaky cameras. The COOLPIX P500 even has a motion detector that identifies moving subjects and then adjusts the camera's settings to ensure that you won't miss a frame of the action.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Nikon SLR D5100 A camera with stunning result


Nikon SLR D5100 has many features that loved not only by professional photographer but also by many newbie in photography world. The Nikon D5100 offers a host of new photographic and video tools that deliver superior performance and exceptional image quality with surprising versatility. With 16.2 megapixels, a swivel Vari-Angle LCD monitor, full HD movie capabilities, new EFFECTS Mode and new HDR setting, you hold the power and performance to capture beautiful moments and the freedom to get creative. More detail on this awesome camera is here:


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Membuat account paypal untuk bisnis online

Jika anda mau mulai berbisnis online tentunya akan membutuhkan suatu metode untuk dapat membayar dan menerima pembayaran online. OK anda sudah memiliki kartu kredit dengan limit kredit yang cukup tetapi kartu kredit saja tidak bisa menerima pembayaran, belum lagi masalah keamanan transaksi, bertransaksi menggunakan kartu kredit secara langsung di Internet kurang begitu aman karena data-data kita terekspos. Ada solusi nya, gunakan paypal yang dapat mengirim dan menerima dana.
Silahkan lihat posting saya berikut ini tentang manfaat Paypal untuk berbisnis online di

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bisnis Oriflame, bisnis offline yang di pasarkan secara online

Ini adalah sebuah contoh bisnis network marketing yang sebelumnya dijalankan konvensional atau offline, kemudian dipasarkan secara onloine dan berhasil dengan baik.
Bisnis Oriflame dipasarkan secara online diprakarsai oleh dbc network yang dimotori Dini Shanti dan Nadia Meutia telah terbukti menghasilakn jutawan-jutawan baru dari bisnis Orflame.
Ini merupakan review independent dari saya sebagai online marketer, simak selanjutnya di:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bisnis reseller dropship, apa dan bagaimana?

Bisnis dropship sedang marak dibicarakan dan diterapkan karena memiliki berbagai keunggulan baik bagi produsen maupun bagi bagi reseller.
Bagi produsen bisa lebih berkonsentrasi kepada prosuksi, pemasaran dilakukan oleh reseller, bagi reseller juga bisa lebih memfokuskan pada pemasaran karena pengiriman akan dilakukan produsen. Kedua pihak sama-sama untung.
Daftar bisnis dropship yang bisa dijalankan saya susun di posting berikut ini:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ide bisnis rumahan jualan sepatu

Kali ini saya menulis tentang ide bisnis rumahan tanpa modal berjualan sepatu. Bisnis sepatu ini memiliki potensi yang bagus karena sepatu merupakan kebutuhan sandang.
Dengan dukungan perushaan yang sudah berbisnis mulai tahun 2005 maka bisnis sepatu anda kana dibimbing oleh tangan yang tepat, semoga ide bisnis kali ini dpaat menjadi pilihan bisnis anda.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gagal transaksi online menggunakan kartu kredit?

Jika anda pernah mendapati kartu kredit yang anda gunakan transaksi online gagal mungkin itu karena informasi yang berbeda antara penerbit kartu kredit dan data di merchant yang memproses transaksi online ini. Saya pernah mengalami hal ini dan saya menceritakan nya disini.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Struggling with relevant content creation for your blog?

Hi there i also facing the same problem with you when try to posting my blogs with relevant and good quality posting. If you want ro rank good in Google we have to create unique content.
Recently i found the way to posting content in my blogs the easy way. It's called content curation. Content curation is process to gather, compose relevant topic to make a new posting.
With content curation your job to post content on blogs will be much easier and saving a lot of times. See this post to see how content curation will help your online business.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Telkomflash unlimited untuk iPad

Telkomsel memiliki paket data khusus untuk iPad seharga 75 ribu untuk 30 hari, paket ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk iPad, tidak bisa digunakan smartphone. Jika anda membeli kartu perdanya dan belum mengaktifkan, maka posting ini dapat membantu anda mengaktifkan paket tersebut untuk iPad.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reseting AP6521 to factory default

Resetting Ap 6521 sometimes not easy as we thought, i post several steps to reset AP6521 to factory default, so you can start over to configure your access point. You cannot just press reset button in the back of device, need more than that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cara bisnis online Empower Network menghasilkan ribuan dollar setiap bulan

Bagaimana sebuah blog dari Empower Network (EN) dapat memberikan penghasilan hingga ribuan bahkan ratusan ribu dollar. Apa saja keunggulan sistem ini. Saya beberkan pada posting kali ini, silahkan lihat videonya dan lakukan tindakan segera sebelum terlambat.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paket internet mentari Indosat

Saya sedang mencoba paket internetan dari Indosat. Dengan 49 ribu paket tersebut memberikan quota data sebesar 750MB, 200 SMS, paket bicara sesama Indosat dan operator lain. Sebelumnya saya menggunakan paket data 25 ribu. Hasil test selebihnya saya posting di sini.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Investing in Gold is a good choice for your investment

Choosing the right instrument for your investment is not easy. Big return investment will involving higher risk and not many who can afford to loose money. Gold is the best way to your investment today and many years to come.

Gold will never loose it's value, if you see for the last 10 years gold prices always increase this is actually not the case, our money which lost its value againts gold.
You can burn gold but when it freeze it will back it's value. This is contratry with money, if your money burn out then it will lost their value.
To see how investing in gold can be benefit for you you can check this website.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Making Money When People NOT Join with your business

Most of the time people will turn off your business proposal no matter you have the best business model in the world. With this program you still able to make money even people not join your business. They will love to know that they can promote thrir business via this program.
You can make 100% commission from this blogging system. I share this unique business model with my friend in Indonesia.