Friday, February 22, 2013

Telkomflash unlimited untuk iPad

Telkomsel memiliki paket data khusus untuk iPad seharga 75 ribu untuk 30 hari, paket ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk iPad, tidak bisa digunakan smartphone. Jika anda membeli kartu perdanya dan belum mengaktifkan, maka posting ini dapat membantu anda mengaktifkan paket tersebut untuk iPad.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reseting AP6521 to factory default

Resetting Ap 6521 sometimes not easy as we thought, i post several steps to reset AP6521 to factory default, so you can start over to configure your access point. You cannot just press reset button in the back of device, need more than that.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cara bisnis online Empower Network menghasilkan ribuan dollar setiap bulan

Bagaimana sebuah blog dari Empower Network (EN) dapat memberikan penghasilan hingga ribuan bahkan ratusan ribu dollar. Apa saja keunggulan sistem ini. Saya beberkan pada posting kali ini, silahkan lihat videonya dan lakukan tindakan segera sebelum terlambat.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Paket internet mentari Indosat

Saya sedang mencoba paket internetan dari Indosat. Dengan 49 ribu paket tersebut memberikan quota data sebesar 750MB, 200 SMS, paket bicara sesama Indosat dan operator lain. Sebelumnya saya menggunakan paket data 25 ribu. Hasil test selebihnya saya posting di sini.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Investing in Gold is a good choice for your investment

Choosing the right instrument for your investment is not easy. Big return investment will involving higher risk and not many who can afford to loose money. Gold is the best way to your investment today and many years to come.

Gold will never loose it's value, if you see for the last 10 years gold prices always increase this is actually not the case, our money which lost its value againts gold.
You can burn gold but when it freeze it will back it's value. This is contratry with money, if your money burn out then it will lost their value.
To see how investing in gold can be benefit for you you can check this website.